• Mobile: +91-9818578933
  • bedi.milinder@gmail.com, contact@milinderkaur.com
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I was apprehensive as first because i deal with anxiety issues, but took the first step towards healing thanks to Milinder Ma'am. even before meeting, taking an appointment over the phone she seemed really genuine and warm. and i was really not surprised after meeting her. She's a motherly figure but at the same time shes's like a friend. its been just one session and i found no difficulty in confiding in her. She'll jot down every detail giving importance to everything you have to say while simplifying your thoughts and issues. im really looking forward to heal with Ma'am's help over the course of time. I'm positive about this, for the first time in my life! definitely recommending her to everyone with mental health issues.

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This review is a first hand acknowledgement of the experience of marital and family counselling as coming from husband of a patient suffering from chronic OCD and depression.I consider our meeting with Ms Bedi as a godsend opportunity to improve my relationship with my wife which had become caustic and claustrophobic on account of her mental health issues.As a counselor she will go that extra mile and just a call or text message away when the things are going south.Such dedication to her profession and prime concern for her patients are rare traits indeed in this world full of material concern.I wish her all success and pray to god to grant her a healthy and long life so that she can help more people more like us and give hope and positivity.

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I would like to share my experience on counselling with Ms Bedi.My wife has been suffering for the last 17 years due OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and depression.We have moved a lot around the world and met professional counsellors in both the American and European continent but still our personal lives as a family and individuals was seriously impacted because of my wife's disorder.My wife even tried to commit suicide a couple of times but due to timely intervention she could be saved.Luckily we chanced to meet Ms Bedi while searching on Internet for counsellors having experience with OCD. Thankfully after being counselled by her my wife's condition has become steady and she is improving quite well.She is one of the best and a thorough professional who has the ability to make at-ease anybody and provide hope and comfort to all who may be going through a rough phase in their life.I would recommend her to all such individuals who are having any mental health issues.

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I am a teenaged girl and for the past one year was facing issues due to violent thoughts and also had difficulty in managing angry outbursts.I had been seeing a local psychiatrist and for little more than a year and taking medicines for the same but, the things were not working as expected I hated taking medicines.The situation was also bad due to constant fights between my parents because my mother is suffereing from OCD.Then one day my mother found Bedi Madam on the Internet and started counselling with her I also went with them but I did not want to go in the begining.Although I was angry with my parents for taking me there but I somehow went.Going there and meeting her proved very good for me and though there were some very big fights with my parents but due to Bedi Madam's contant help I was able to overcome.I was also having peer pressure because of a friend's bad influence although I was not at fault my parents used to talk bad about me because of her company.Bedi Madam made me see reason and I was able to overcome the situation.Now I am improving because of her counselling to me and my family and I am very hopeful about my future.She also gave a gift on my birthday and she listens carefully to everything I say.I am thankful to her for her help.

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I have OCD and anxiety problem and I have been visiting Milinder Ma'am for past few months she is a friendly person and listens to your issues very sincerely and provide thoughtful solutions. She also gives various tasks related to your problem and takes feedback regularly which determines your improvement. She is very polite in nature and a good therapist. I hope my feedback helps you to know her better.

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Its all about my counseling ( CBT) with Bedi maam and how much i am showing positive results after having sessions. Let me first introduce myself. I am Sushmita who is suffering from OCD for last 15 years. I have been through many psychiatry meds as well as many counselors in India as well as in USA, but nothing works for me. It is purely gods grace that i came to know about Bedi maam as a very nice counselor. She is too good and honest counselor i have ever seen since last 15 years. I have been counseled by her since December 2018 till date. And yes today i can say that i am getting better day by day. My family has seen the changes in me. Eventually i am also gaining confidece in me. I can see the clarity of my mind. I completed 7 sessions with her till date and through each session i am able to channelize my thoughts in a very positive way. There was a time when my disorder bullied me to such a extent that i became hopeless and pessimistic. And then i found Bedi maam as a magical wand. The best part of her, is she is very humble, a good listener and generous towards her patients.She maintains her professionalism by keeping confidentiality which is indeed a good counselor should have. She never ever judged me for anything rather accepted me exactly the way i am, which has given me the confidence to deal with mundane challenges. I have surely overcome lots of my unknown fears by her counseling which when i recollect, seems to be base less . If given a chance i would rate her 10/10. She always lent her shoulder to me and gave me emotional support when ever it is needed. For me she is more like my mom who at times scolds me but again pampers me a lot. I just love my maam unconditionally. Thanks to universe for sending Bedi maam as a guide to me. She always motivates me to remain positive for what may come. Thank you.

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I have been struggling for the past few years with my emotions, due to some traumatic experiences. Every time I fell down, my past kept resurfacing and eating me away from the inside.Then I reached a point where I felt like I was falling apart, saw no hope. I decided to take help.When I went for my first appointment, I was not even sure about it myself. In the initial tests I was diagnosed with depression. But Milinder had shown deep commitment and sincerity. She pays attention to even the smallest details. She helped me to pull myself from the past, look forward and HOPE for the best. Something I didn't see in myself for a long time. She also helped to build back the confidence in me. She helped me to identify my strength and weakness and work accordingly. I do agree to the fact that - 'Recovery is not a simple and easy process'. It takes time and lot of efforts. But if we have right person guiding us through, the TAT speeds up. She is that person. Words can never express my gratitude to Milinder. Thank you for your continued support and help.

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I have joined Maam's therapy few weeks back . I had anger issues ,lazyness but after conducting a test by Ma'am I got to know more issues regarding with my behavior , I had depression , anxeity issues and anger Within 3 sessions I am able to control my anger , I can see smile on my family members face . My Mother is cooking amazing food again. There is positive environment at home and in our lives. Ma'am is highly professional ,at the same time her personal concerns towards me have helped me alot .She did magic and made my life a better place to live .. Ma'am has changed my perspective towards life , and the way she is teaching me techniques to control my thoughts is a cake walk for me.Still a lot to do with my behavior but I have complete trust that before end of my threapy I will be a complete transformed person.